What is a no overtaking traffic sign?

WHEN driving on the roads in the UK it is important to understand the Highway Code road signs to ensure the safety of yourself and other drivers.

Here we look at what the no overtaking traffic sign means.

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All there is to know about the no overtaking traffic sign[/caption]

What is a no overtaking traffic sign?

A no-overtaking sign is a white circular sign featuring a black and red car, with a red border.

The sign is used to instruct drivers that it is not safe to overtake the vehicle in front.

Speaking about the importance of understanding road signs, Greg Wilson, CEO and founder of Quotezone.co.uk, said: “Drivers should familiarise themselves with even the strangest signs to stay safe on the roads.

“The Highway Code does not cover all the road signs in the UK, so the onus is on the motorist to keep up to speed with the latest additions.

“Whether you have just started learning to drive or have held a licence for a long time, understanding traffic signs is vital to driving safely and could be costly if you find yourself unable to recognise their meaning.”

Overtaking can be a dangerous manoeuvre and many drivers each year unnecessarily overtake other vehicles, resulting in an accident.

The first rule of overtaking is only to do so if it is legal, safe and necessary.

Researchers at Nottingham University determined the following statistics when studying police records of overtaking accidents:

  • 35% hit a vehicle turning right as the overtaking vehicle was attempting to pass
  • 16% hit a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction
  • 10% side swiped the vehicle being overtaken
  • 8% lost control during whilst overtaking or returning to the nearside lane
  • 6% hit a vehicle that was turning or crossing at a junction
  • 14% involved ‘undertaking’ (passing on the left)
  • 5% resulted from evasive action taken by a driver when attempting to avoid someone else’s risky overtaking manoeuvre

Where would you find a no overtaking traffic sign?

A no-overtaking sign is often placed where there is poor visibility of the road ahead, or the road is too narrow to attempt an overtake.

You can also find them located on bends, dips in the road or where there are hills.

Can you be fined for ignoring a no overtaking traffic sign?

If caught overtaking where these signs are placed, it could result in three penalty points on the driver’s licence and a £100 fine.

However, if you already have points on your licence, it could add up to disqualification or even a fine of up to £1000.