DEAR DEIDRE: I’VE dated two different women in a short space of time but wonder if it’s the right thing to do.
I am a 32-year-old man. I met the first woman online and have been on a couple of lovely dates with her. I like her laid-back attitude. She’s genuinely interested in me.
She has gone away to visit family abroad for a couple of weeks and I am worried about losing the momentum with her.
I was speaking to a different woman for nearly a month before I met with the first woman but we couldn’t find a suitable date to meet up.
Even though I have met someone lovely I decided to still meet the second woman as we had arranged it a while before. I was curious as we matched online.
We had such a good time and while she is different to the first woman I was definitely attracted to her.
Is it acceptable to date the second woman while the other one is out of the country? I know it’s early days so am I just overthinking it?
DEIDRE SAYS: As long as you are honest about it, there is nothing wrong with meeting both of them once or twice more to see how it goes.
Remember that either of these women may also be seeing other men, so ask them to be honest with you also.
There are so many different relationship statuses from being casual, through to being fully committed, all of which work well as long as everyone is communicating their needs and expectations.
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