January is here – the perfect opportunity to embrace the new growing season.
Just because its cold outside, doesn’t mean you can’t start seeds on your windowsill – or a heat mat – and this is why this prize is perfect for this time of year.

It contains a selection of edible selection of edible and floral seeds – including a packet of microgreens.
Packed with nutrients, bursting with flavour, and incredibly fast and easy to grow, they’re the ultimate ingredient if you’re doing Veganuary – or not!
Natasha Lane, head of seed at Unwins, said: “They’re the young, tender shoots of vegetables and herbs, harvested just after germination when their nutrients are at their peak.
Seed-sowing planting guide for 2025
The Sun's Gardening Editor, Veronica Lorraine has shared the fruits and vegetables you can sow and grow every month.
January – Herbs, spring garlic, broad beans, onions, raspberry canes
February – Chit first early potatoes, cucumber and tomato seeds, early peas, salad, bare root strawberry plants
March – Aubergine, broccoli, cauliflower seeds, chilli plants, apple and pear trees.
April – Beetroot and courgette seeds, maincrop potatoes, melon seeds.
May – Leeks, pumpkins, butternut squash, sweetcorn, parsnips, blackberry canes.
June – Kale, cabbage, chilli peppers, french beans, strawberries.
July – Turnips, winter radishes, carrots, french beans.
August – Spinach, rocket, spring onions, chard.
September – Pak choi, mustard, lamb’s lettuce.
October – Garlic, onion, blueberries.
November – Broad beans, peas, shallots, bare root gooseberry.
December – Salad leaves, broad beans, onions, chilli plants.
“In just a few weeks, you can harvest your greens from the comfort of your kitchen windowsill.
“They require minimal effort, no garden space, and provide an instant sense of accomplishment.
“Just sow the seeds evenly in seed compost, or even on moist kitchen paper in small containers, and keep them moist.
Y”ou can even create a makeshift mini greenhouse using the lid from a fruit punnet.
“Harvest them when you’re ready to serve your dish.
“The seed sowing bundle includes the Unwins Gardener’s Seed box, Seed sowing compost, VisiRoot seed trays, Heated propagation mat, Kent & Stowe Widger and dibber and plant labels.
To enter fill in the form below.
Or write to Sun Unwins Competition, PO Box 3190, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8GP.
Include your name, age, email or phone. UK residents 18+ only. Ends 23.59GMT 25.01.25. T&Cs apply.