DEAR DEIDRE: EVER since my granddaughter started high school, getting her to school in the mornings has become a complete nightmare.
Whether it’s a headache, a sore throat, a funny stomach, or a toothache, she always finds an excuse to avoid going in.
She’s 11, and I’m her 63-year-old grandmother.
I can’t understand what’s changed. She used to love going to school and seeing her friends.
Since she was young, she’s loved learning and has always done well in class, so her new change in behaviour makes no sense.
Every day getting her out of bed is like pulling teeth, and I can tell it’s really starting to get my daughter down.
They’ve both lived with me since she divorced her husband, so I try my best to help, but there’s only so much I can do.
She tries her hardest to put her foot down, but my granddaughter always kicks up a fuss and starts a screaming match.
On many occasions my daughter has had to give up and leave her home to rush off to work.
I’ve tried my best to talk to her, but she always insists that she just doesn’t feel very well and there’s nothing more to it.
How do I get to the bottom of this?
DEIDRE SAYS: Children may be reluctant to go to school for a multitude of reasons.
From friendship fallouts, bullying, mental health problems, struggles with schoolwork, and difficult relationships with teachers to worries about fitting in.
While you can’t force her to tell you what’s wrong, you can make sure she knows you’ll be there for her when and if she’s ready to.
In the meantime, suggest that your daughter speak to your granddaughter’s school to see if they can help get to the bottom of this and help support her.
You can also contact The Mix (themix.org.uk), who help young people under 25 to get essential support.
If you need further support, you can get this through familylives.org.uk (0808 800 2222).
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