My ‘non-negotiable’ cleaning task is a must for fall – it makes your whole home look good, don’t wait til it’s too cold

A CLEANING expert has revealed her non-negotiable task for fall.

She said it makes your whole home look good, but you can’t wait until winter to do it.

A cleaning expert shared her ‘non-negotiable’ cleaning task for the fall
She said she loves the way it makes her home look

TikToker Michelle Savage (@maidbynature) shared a great autumn cleaning tip in her video.

But the Candian won’t do the chore if the water can turn to ice outside.

“Things are getting a little colder.. so I like to start with my window before it gets too cold,” she said.

Her first deep cleaning tasks before winter are the inside and outside of her windows, which she does twice a year.

“I do my windows in the spring because of pollen,” she shared.

Then the content creator showed a video of her soiled window sills to show how dirty they get after two seasons.

The content creator removed the grime with an electric brush.

For the outside of her window, Michelle used a squeegee and water with soap.

She said that it’s important for her to have a tidy home, inside and out.

“Having clean windows just makes your house look and feel cleaner, which makes me feel better about my home,” the influencer explained.

She added: “So this task is non-negotiable for me.”

Michelle suggested doing deep cleaning tasks a little at a time because it can be overwhelming.

“On this particular day, I did all the outside windows and inside windows that didn’t have blinds,” she explained.

The TikToker said people can do whatever tasks work for them.

“This is just what worked for me at the moment,” the cleaner noted.

When it comes to cleaning your screens, Michelle said to use dusting mitts.

“I call them my Grinch gloves,” she said. “I get it wet, slip it on, and wipe both sides of the screen. They also work great for blinds.”

 The mitts can be purchased via Amazon for $15.

Michelle said it’s important to clean your windows twice a year
She said a good way to clean your screens is with dusting mitts[/caption]