Can I be fined for smoking while driving?

IT can be difficult to know when you are allowed to smoke in your car since the law can get a little bit complicated.

Here’s everything you need to know about smoking in your car.

a little girl wearing headphones is using a tablet
Smoking laws exist to protect children in cars
Getty Images

Can I get fined for smoking while driving?

Smoking while driving is not illegal but could still lead to you being charged with dangerous driving.

It could cause you to become distracted or to take your hands off the wheel.

However, it is illegal to smoke with someone under 18 in the car.

This law applies to any car partly or wholly closed by a roof, when someone smokes with an open doorway, and even if the sunroof is open.

It does not apply to a convertible with the roof fully down or to vaping.

When did the UK law about smoking in cars change?

On October 1, 2015, the government introduced a law to prevent children from inhaling second-hand smoke.

Children who breathe in a lot of second-hand smoke can develop asthma, chest infections and, in the worst cases, cancer.

Smoking with a child in the car exposes them to a massive amount of second-hand smoke, putting them at greater risk.

Also, children who see a parent or another adult smoking are much more likely to take up smoking themselves.

Are passengers allowed to smoke in the car?

Passengers are subject to the same laws as drivers.

They cannot smoke if someone under 18 is in the car with them, even if they are not the driver.

Smoking with a young person in the car can lead to fines of £50, for both the driver and the person smoking.

Can I smoke when the car is not moving?

You can smoke in your car when it is not moving.

Since you can’t be distracted from paying attention to the road, you can smoke safely.

However, as previously mentioned, you cannot smoke if there is someone who is under the age of 18 in the car with you.

Why is smoking bad for you?

Smoking can harm almost every organ in your body.

Many of the chemicals and ingredients in cigarettes are carcinogens, which are agents that directly lead to cancer.

It also raises the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, blood clots and heart attacks.

Nicotine is addictive, which causes your body to literally crave a source of the drug.

Smoking can become a habit and a routine too, which is hard to break.

How can you quit smoking?

Quitting smoking can cause your health to improve almost immediately.

The NHS has many doctor-approved courses and methods to help you stop smoking for good.

These methods range from therapy, which helps you tackle the more psychological reasons behind smoking and treatments which control the need for nicotine.

It’s not an easy process, but quitting smoking will have massive long-term health benefits.

Most Common Illegal Driving Activities

Here's a list of reckless driving behaviour and the fines and penalties you risk getting from it.

  • Using phone while driving
    Cheeky glance at a phone screen will result in six penalty points on your licence and a £200 fine
    New drivers might lose their licence if caught doing so within two years of obtaining it
  • Speeding
    Lovers of fast and furious will end up with minimum three points and £100 fine
  • Running a red light
    This offence will incur three points and £100 fine
  • Middle lane hogging
    It constitutes careless driving and police will hand you out a £100 fine with three penalty points
  • Undertaking
    This could possibly result in three points on your license and a £100 fine