Should I forgive my friend after she turned on me?

Angry woman being ignored by her friends in the street
Angry woman being ignored by her friends in the street

DEAR DEIDRE: MY friendship group turned on me, and I felt so hurt, betrayed and angry.

Now one of them wants to be mates again but I don’t know if I can trust her.

I’m 16 and my three friends are too. We’ve hung around together since we started secondary school. 

But a few weeks ago, one of them started chatting about me behind my back, telling lies about what I’d said about her boyfriend.

The others believed her and stopped talking to me, even my best mate. 

Now she’s realised that the first girl was lying and she’s said she’s so sorry. She wants everything to go back to normal. 

Should I forgive her?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Sadly, friends do sometimes grow apart or fall out, and groups don’t always last. 

It sounds like your best mate has realised she was wrong and wants to make amends. 

If you care about her, it’s worth talking to her and giving her a second chance. 

Tell her how upset you are and ask her to explain why she believed your other friend over you.

My support pack, Rows With Friends, should help.