My nan is sucking the joy out of our wedding plans

a bride and groom are walking on the beach

DEAR DEIDRE: I COULDN’T be more happy to marry my soulmate but one thing is ruining our engagement – my nan isn’t speaking to me.

I’ve been with my fiancé for 10 years and at 33, we decided to get married. My fiancé is 35.

We don’t want the big fancy wedding and we never have done.

My mum is a single mum and has never married and I’ve never known my dad. Nan and Grandad helped bring me up.

Mum is so supportive of us both and she’s happy for us to go away to get married on a beach somewhere. But Nan is devastated and really angry with me.

She said that it’s been her dream for my grandad to walk me down the aisle. I told her, “It’s not my dream”.  It’s not personal but we want to go away – just us two – but she won’t have it.

She’s 69 and set in her ways and now I’m getting the cold-shoulder treatment.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sorry that these issues are taking the joy out of what should be a happy event.

Wait for the dust to settle. Talk to your nan again about arranging some sort of a celebration which would include them.

Perhaps they can view your wedding via video link or Facetime or you could have a blessing in church with your grandparents attending, or a simple meal where you wear your wedding clothes again.

My support pack called Wedding Worries will help but stick to your guns. This is your day. And congratulations!



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