When does Mercury retrograde 2023 end and what to expect afterwards

IF you’ve been feeling out of sorts or that everything isn’t going to plan, you might be wondering what’s going on.

Well, it may well be because Mercury’s in retrograde for the third time this year – and not the last, either.

If you’ve been feeling sluggish, there may be a reason why[/caption]

Is Mercury retrograde worse at the end?

Mercury in Retrograde – the optical illusion that makes it appear that Mercury is moving in the opposite direction to us on Earth – happens not once, but four times a year – and we’re currently in the midst of it.

2023 began with Mercury in retrograde, leading to many feeling unable to start afresh and stuck in the old cycle of 2022.

It then happened for a second time in the time period spanning April 21 to May 14.

And right now, we’re in the August 23 to September 14 cycle – meaning the end is in sight (although another is scheduled for December 13 2023 to January 1, 2024).

But does it feel like it has got gradually worse with each passing day?

According to experts, there is no evidence that this is the case. Instead, each day from August 23 to September 14 may have been a similarly strange.

This specific retrograde will have left many feeling anxious and wishing that they could hibernate away from life’s problems.

On top of that, people may have told – or even started to believe – things that aren’t true about themselves.

But, luckily, their is a light at the end of the tunnel.

What to expect after Mercury retrograde ends

Mercury is the planet of communication, so as we move out of the three-week long slowdown, it’s time for normal life to commence once more.

According to The Cut’s astrology experts: “When Mercury is functioning normally, it keeps a pretty low profile.

“Conversation is flowing, websites are loading, and everything just works.”

They also added:  “We’ll receive emails on time, we’ll be able to think things through carefully and thoughtfully, and things that were confusing during the retrograde, like the future of a relationship of job, might become clearer.”

What signs are heavily affected by the Mercury retrograde?

While it may have an impact on all, there’s arguments that some star signs are much more affected than others when it comes to Mercury being in retrograde.

The experts at horoscopes.com explain: “The planet Mercury rules both quick-witted Gemini and practical Virgo, so right off the bat, we know these two sun signs will be heavily affected.”

But they also point out that it’s also to do with “which of the houses of your birth chart the retrograde cycle lands in.”

Using 2023 as an example, Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius will also be feeling the effects.

For Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn this could have meant an impact their finances, communication and/or practicality.

Meanwhile, Sagittarius, may have felt like they were being challenged to think about healing and introspection.

Mercury will be in retrograde once more in 2023[/caption]